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A smooth, plastic, white body with a small percentage of talc to create an optimum glaze fit. #10-T is very popular among production potters and is also excellent for handbuilding. Its "forgiving" nature has also made #10-T a white clay choice for many teachers.


Ships from OH, FL

To order this clay body in dry (50 lb minimum), please call.


SDS Sheet


Cone: 06 
Wet Color: Gray 
Firing Color: Oxidation: White - Reduction: N/A 
Texture: Smooth 
Penetrometer Target: 7.5 
Avg. Shrinkage ±2%: 8.2% 
Avg. Water Absorption ±1%: 11.1% 
COE x 10-6: 6.35 

#10-T EM103

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